What causes papillomas on the body: the main causes and important signals of the body

Papillary lesions cause a lot of discomfort not only due to external changes in the skin. Many papillomas have an increased risk of injury, including friction and infection. All of these factors can cause the spread of the rash and the malignancy of the tumor cells. Before starting treatment, a mandatory diagnosis is made to determine the causes and nature of the cluster structure. What causes papillomas on the body, what does the body signal about? Let’s understand that in this article.

Papillomas on the body - what do they mean, what does the body say?

from what papillomas appear on the body

Papillomas on the body mean only one indisputable fact - a person has progressively become a carrier of papilloma virus infection. The main route of transmission of the virus into the body is sexual, however, infection is possible by kissing, handling, the contact-household method.

Known types of papillomas on the body differ from each other in structural characteristics, color, size and density. Of course, not all carriers of a viral infection suffer from multiple or single rashes on the body. Activation of pathogenic viral activity usually occurs due to a constant decrease in immunity.

Some patients even compare papillomas to moles, however, papillomas have a number of basic differences:

  • presence of vascular component;
  • preferential place in places of friction, sweating;
  • loose and soft structure.

Papilloma looks like a papillary growth on the pedicle. The main danger of papilloma lies in the cancerous transformation of skin cells.

The risk group includes patients with a difficult clinical and life history, as well as those who have had cases of cancer among close relatives.

Papillomas rarely cause concern in a person, not causing pain and local symptomatic manifestations. Clinicians even call such neoplasms a "time bomb" that can be spontaneously malignant, under the influence of various negative factors.

The virus may not appear for years, but a person is a carrier of the infection even with strong immunity. More often, it is men who become the culprits for a woman’s infection during unprotected sex.

Main reasons for the occurrence

main reasons for the appearance of papillomas

The main cause of rash on the body is the defeat of the body by infection with human papilloma virus.

Predisposing factors for viral activity are:

  • chronic diseases of internal organs and systems;
  • skin trauma of any genesis;
  • skin infection;
  • allergic diseases;
  • autoimmune conditions of congenital nature;
  • genital infections and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Any pathological processes and dysfunctions of internal organs can suppress the activity of the immune system, depress general health and weaken the body. By constantly reducing the immune forces, the virus begins its pathogenic activity, gradually replacing the DNA of healthy cells with viral ones. Thus, the regenerative process at the cellular level is disrupted, chaotic cell treatment begins and the formation of neoplasms.

The virus actively affects the deep layers of the epidermis, so the first symptom of infection in the development of the appearance of papillomatous foci.

Peculiarities of appearance in men

Frequent localization of papillomas in men - genitals and penis, face, armpits.

Hypothermia and increased sensitivity to negative external factors are considered common factors in reduced immunity in men:

  • bad habits (tobacco, alcohol);
  • work characteristics (heavy production works, hot workshops, radioactivity):
  • increased stress factor;
  • active sex life (especially at a young age).

HPV in men is often combined with other sexually transmitted infections. The infection often occurs in men who neglect the use of barrier methods of contraception. Although the HPV virus can enter the body even when a condom is used.

The main prevention of HPV is vaccination. It is recommended to inject the vaccine three times during puberty, long before the onset of active sexual activity. Doctors recommend starting vaccinations for children aged 10 to 12 years.

Causes of multiple papillomas

reasons for the appearance of multiple papillomas on the body

Multiple papillomas on the body of limited or widespread localization indicate exhaustion of the body. Usually, multiple rashes are associated with general weakness, drowsiness, and unexplained weakness in the patient.

The activity of the virus in the layers of the epidermis is usually large, so the appearance of new papillary foci occurs rapidly.

Often the virus itself can cause the development of various diseases that only complicate the course of the infectious process.

The following diseases and conditions can be a trigger for the generalized spread of papillary foci throughout the body:

  • acute infectious processes of any nature and location;
  • sunburn, excessive use of tanning beds or sunbathing in the open sun;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • inadequate diet, lack of nutritional regime, unbalanced diet;
  • oncological tumors of internal organs, skin;
  • HIV or AIDS;
  • persistent psycho-emotional instability, stress, mental disorders;
  • age changes.

The rapid spread of papillomas throughout the body is caused by the patient being overweight. With increased weight, the sweat glands are activated, so papillomas in the armpits and in the folds of the skin are more noticeable. Clinicians notice a noticeable spread of infectious growths of increased weight in the hot summer months.

Neoplasms can occur not only due to serious diseases and autoimmune conditions. Bad habits, intense physical activity, serious stress can also cause the activity of a viral infection.

When patients develop any neoplasms on the skin, a natural question arises about the tactics of treatment and removal of growths.

Characteristics of therapy

methods of treating papillomas on the body

Viral infection can be present in the body for a long time without visible manifestations. In patients, in the background of good health, the virus may never appear in their lives. The first symptoms appear with weakened immunity.

Doctors do not recommend starting self-medication without diagnosis and medical advice for several reasons:

  • it is visually impossible to determine the structure and nature of the neoplasm;
  • the patient is unable to assess the level of oncogenic hazard;
  • Inadequate therapy with some means can worsen the situation, for example, burns, secondary infection.

Differential diagnosis significantly improves the therapeutic results of skin lesions, because it identifies the nature of the rash and allows you to choose the only adequate treatment.

Modern dermatology and cosmetology offer two main ways to remove papillomas on the body:

  1. Drug therapy- use of local and systemic drugs;
  2. Surgical removal- use of the latest hardware techniques and traditional surgery.

In the first case, a course of antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy must be prescribed. These drugs for papillomas on the body are necessary to stop viral activity and improve the patient's immune status.

Local treatment does not always bring the expected results, therefore, in addition to conservative medicine, clinicians offer a number of surgical techniques:

  • scalpel cutting;
  • radio wave removal;
  • laser papilloma removal;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • exposure to a chemical solution;
  • freezing of liquid nitrogen.

No surgery can rule out recurrent tumors, so you should definitely undergo a course of active antiviral therapy.

Along with treatment, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, diet, sleep and wakefulness. Most patients rarely pay attention to these recommendations, and their application is very important for the successful treatment of HPV.

Human papilloma virus does not in itself pose a danger, but the risks of malignant tumor cells always remain.

In order to reduce HPV infection to a minimum, it is recommended to carefully adhere to intimate and personal hygiene, orderliness in sexual relations. Timely diagnosis significantly reduces the risk of developing any complications.